Audiogram (for patients older than 5)
A hearing test, or audiogram, is the best way to evaluate your hearing. A hearing test is an exam that lasts usually 30 to 60 minutes and is adminstered by a hearing professionnal called audiologist. Our audiologists are all members of the Ordre de audiologistes du Québec et use the latest equipment.
A hearing test is administered in sound-proof booth. It can distinguish sensorineural hearing loss (inner ear or nerve damage) from conductive hearing loss (problems with the eardrum, middle ear or ossicles). It also evaluates the presence of perforations and studies the mobility of the eardrum to detect negative pressure in the middle ear or tympanic rigidity.
We also offer advanced hearing tests to evaluate tinnitus or nerve lesions.
Audiograms produce a tracing that is specific to your hearing, and is used to follow your hearing over time, evaluate the efficacy of treatments or plan for customized hearing aids.