Test d'apnée du sommeil
There are multiple types of tests for sleep apnea. In patients where the ENT surgeon suspects obstructive sleep apnea, meaning an obstruction of the upper airway during sleep, we often recommend a cardiorespiratory polygraphy. This test involves a meeting with a respiratory therapist who gives the patient a machine that he or she brings home. The machine is connected to the patient during sleep, and the machine is brought back to the clinic. The tracing is then interpreted by a certified respirologist that can diagnose sleep apnea. The ENT surgeon can then recommend different treatments such as CPAP machines or surgery. Untreated sleep apnea can lead to daytime fatigue, decreased quality of life, and early cardiovascular complications.
Un partenariat avec La Boîte à CPAP permet à la Clinique ORL de Montréal d’offrir les tests d’apnée du sommeil de type PCRS de qualité approuver et suggéré par nos spécialistes ORL pour nos patients.