Vestibular schwannoma and base of skull

Vestibular schwannomas, or acoustic neuromas, are benign tumors that originate from the nerves of hearing or balance. They are usually located at the exit of the hearing and balance nerves from the brain, in a region called the cerebellopontine angle. These tumors do not cause metastases, but they can increase in size and cause hearing loss and compression of the brain. Acoustic neuromas usually manifest themselves with unilateral progressive hearing loss. They can sometimes cause loss of balance.
Diagnosis is with a hearing test and a brain MRI.
Treatments are multiple. For small tumors that do not cause hearing dysfunction, observation is an option because these tumors grow very slowly. Radiation treatments are also possible. Surgical treatment of vestibular schwannomas is possible and offered at the Clinique ORL de Montréal. Surgical treatment is performed with complex advanced surgery called skull base surgery for which a particular expertise is required.
Although schwannomas are the most common skull base tumors of the hearing and balance nerves, other tumors can present themselves in the same way and also require treatment, such as meningiomas.