The ENT doctor specializes in throat infections

Throat infections can occur in children and in adults. We call them tonsillitis or pharyngitis : they are synonyms.
The symptoms are throat pain, with or without fever. The throat is red and inflamed, and we sometimes see exsudates on the tonsils The pain can be so severe that patients can have difficulty swallowing and eating.
The majority of throat infections are due to viruses. Rest and hydration take care of these infections within a few days.
In a small portion of cases, the infections are due to bacteria, most commonly beta-hemolytic group A streptococcus. The way we diagnose these is with a throat culture or a rapid strep test. In these cases, antibiotics can be necessary to clear the infection and avoid heart, kidney, and joint complications of this disease.
When the infection is very severe, a peritonsillar abscess can form. It is a pocket of pus around the tonsil that usually does not resolve with antibiotics : surgical drainage can be necessary.
When the infections are due to bacteria, and are repeated and severe, your doctor could recommend the removal of your tonsils