The ENT specializes in the nose, inside and out

The main goal of an aesthetic rhinoplasty is to change the appearance of the nose. The nose can sometimes alter the balance of the face if it has a hump, a droopy tip, or asymmetric nostrils. The most common reasons for seeking cosmetic nasal surgery are:
- Dorsal hump
- Asymmetries or deviations
- Irregular nostrils
- Large nose
- Droopy tip
Patients with these characteristics may be good candidates for aesthetic rhinoplasty, as long as their expectations are realistic. These patients often experience great improvements in self-esteem and confidence after surgery. The options for aesthetic rhinoplasty are vast, and the surgeon works with each patient to customize the procedure and achieve the patient’s goals. This type of rhinoplasty is never covered by medical insurance.
For patients who do not want to undergo surgery, nonsurgical nose reshaping is a popular option. By using dermal fillers, the surgeon can smooth the bumps or make some other subtle changes to the nose. These results are not permanent, but this is less expensive and less invasive than rhinoplasty.